March 28th at 11 PM GMT +00









Get refreshed in your mind, certain of your mission, and inspired in your business...
~ Without frustration, stress, overwhelm, or stuckness.
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Does this sound like you?

It feels like nothing is happening.

You’re doing all the things. You feel like something should be happening, but it’s not. You thought you were reading the right business books but still aren’t finding the answers. 

You’re doing everything you can for your beneficiaries (short of "paying their bills" for them), but they’re still stuck, still needing more money, still having more family emergencies, and still tempted back to the life they left behind.

You feel like you’re drowning in the endless need that surrounds you. 

You feel isolated and alone, even surrounded by people.

It seems like no one gets you. No one can possibly understand the pressure you’re under to deal with government regulations, make payroll, pay bills to keep it all afloat, put food on the table, keep investors comfortable, develop new interventions that work, promote behavior change compassionately, but fervently….the list goes on and on.

You’re conflicted about what, where, and how to share.

You know you should be on social, but it’s such an energy drain for you. It takes so much time. You get sucked into the vortex of comparison. It is frustrating to see others post one success after the other (while nothing is happening for you). 

Plus, you wonder what to share. You love your beneficiaries so deeply. The last thing you want to do is exploit them. Yet, people need to know some of their stories to see that your work and methods are effective….and change is happening, right?  

That’s exactly what all the other social businesses are promoting….but that’s just. Not. You.  

You’re stuck meeting social needs, not getting around to profit.

“Will you please hold my baby?” When someone needs you, whether they literally ask or not, you know you’d rather hold their baby than make a sales call or deal with a government regulator on the phone. 

Your distractions are cloaked in “caregiving.” Yet, they are still distractions that keep you from doing the hard things that must be done to keep a business running. 

Let’s face it: you were drawn to social enterprise because of the “social” part, not the business part. Business is the tool, and frankly, sometimes the necessary evil, to fulfill your social mission. 

You’re constantly pulled between the immediate (and very tangible) needs of your people and the often intangible benefits of business and long delays between taking action and bringing money into your bank account. 

You might even feel (very) guilty about making money.  

You’re overwhelmed by need, life, team, staff, family, and business.

Reading all this makes you feel exhausted…yet…you know this is your life. 

The resulting feeling is best described in one word: Overwhelm. 

You’re feeling pressure to be everywhere and do everything. Yet, you freeze and don’t do anything - especially not the money-making stuff - because you don’t know where to begin. 

You always deal with the urgent: the calls, texts, emails, and WhatsApp messages…and not the important strategic networking, sales calls, and investor or donor outreach.

Even if it’s not the things above, it’s something in the back of your mind that keeps creeping - something you keep pushing back when someone or something else needs you.

It doesn't have to be this way!


Feeling confidence and clarity about your social enterprise…and yourself

You are able to show up for yourself and others. You talk to the right people. You spend time with the right people. You have a clear path. You can paint a vivid picture for your team, your beneficiaries, and your supporters. You know what to say yes to and what to let go of.

Working from a place of inspiration, not the grind 

You feel a sense of ease and peace. You’re sitting for a few quiet moments at your table or in your chair with your coffee or tea and your journal.

As you write, you have this overwhelming feeling of inspiration come over you. YES! This is the answer you’ve been seeking for the problem that’s too complex to describe.  

It flows out onto your paper.  And no, this answer did not come from a book or from someone else.

This, my friend, is what inspiration feels like. This is the moment you stop doing the same thing over and over and expect a different result. This is the moment you stop grinding away, and the solution emerges before your eyes. And life gets a little bit easier. You feel inspired to keep going.

You feel un-stressed - which is possible! You get to do things because you want to, not because you must.

You have your systems in place. You’re not tied to your phone. You’re spreading time with the people you love, doing what you love.

You actually sit down to Sunday dinner with your family (biological or friends-turned-family), being present and in touch; without regard to what’s happening on your phone. You get to play with the little ones, have adult conversations, laugh at jokes, and maybe kick a ball in the yard - all on the same afternoon. 

Having healthy boundaries, even with the people you love

You recognize the value of self-care and self-compassion. You make time for yourself, take walks to clear your head, and have quiet time to settle your heart and mind - to gain clarity for your next steps. 

You own your personal challenges and see them as growth opportunities. You know the 'priority people' in your life, whose relationship you value and treasure above the others. 

You’re good at saying “No, but thank you” and giving others space to work out their own disappointments.

Investing more and more of your time operating in your giftings

Let’s say you love being on the factory floor standing beside staff members, one after the other, chatting, laughing, telling silly jokes, making fun comments about snafus, or raving about the genius of their newest creation. You can do that! 

Someone else can do the accounting, the social posting, or the million other things about business that you don’t really like to do. You get to operate in your highest giftings and empower others to do most of the other stuff.

What you DON'T need to do...

Guess what?! You don’t need to create a 10-page business plan or read hundreds of business books.  

You don’t need to be available to everyone 24/7 or keep your phone on all the time.  

You don’t need to solve everyone’s problems or feel guilty because your beneficiaries aren’t experiencing the personal change you know is possible for them.  

You don’t need to DIY everything to save money. There is always a cost. Often, DIY-ing is extremely expensive for your physical and mental health. 

Most of all, you don’t have to do it alone.

What you DO need to do...

However, you do need to get clear on your purpose, vision, and values. Seriously, why are you on this planet? Why are you sacrificing so much? Why are you exchanging your life for this cause? Does your social enterprise line up with your personal values, or is it more what you think your beneficiaries, staff, and customers need?

You do need to create some quiet time for yourself….daily. This is non-negotiable, or there will be nothing left of you to give.

You do need to have a simple plan that spells out the H & Ws of your social enterprise so others can easily understand what you’re about - you can attract the right people to support your social enterprise and repel the wrong people.

You do need tools, processes, and strategies that simplify your life and business so that you can have boundaries so that your personal and professional growth can thrive again.

You do need to create systems that enable you to help more people.

You do need to get your “spark” back. It’s easy to lose it along the way, and it’s also possible to find it again.

You do need personal support and encouragement in a safe environment from people who “get you.”

And…the “how” of all of this is laid out in Avant-garde Entrepreneur Academy.

 who “get you.”

And…the “how” of all of this is laid out in Avant-garde Entrepreneur Academy.

Imagine having confidence and clarity about yourself...and your social enterprise ...without grind, duty, or obligation.
"My Vision Is More Clear"

AGE Academy taught me how to move from a place of being overwhelmed to a place of inspiration. I feel like my vision is more clear, I am better at managing my time and energy, and I am operating from a place of clarity and peace!
~ Caitlin

"It is uplifting and incredibly encouraging"

Trisha touched on the issues that many entrepreneurs like myself face every day, and I enjoyed it immensely. Thank you for doing what you are doing. It is uplifting and incredibly encouraging for the youth starting businesses like me! 

~ Daniel, 5 Pitfalls to Avoid in Social Entrepreneurship Masterclass

  • You find the answers within instead of fruitlessly searching outward
  • You quiet the chatter in your head so you can hear your Spirit
  • You have clearly identified priorities and feel confident in your path
  • You recognize the gaps to fill and what you get to stop doing
  • You let go of guilt, performance orientation, and “never enough”
  • You feel confident about counterbalancing, knowing you’re not going to lose it
  • You cut through the useless stuff to the few things that work. Every. Time.
Not only is all of this possible, I’ve created the solution to help get you there in just 6 weeks!
Avant-garde Entrepreneur Academy is everything you need to:
  • Get clear on your purpose, vision, and values.
  • Create quiet time for yourself.
  • Learn tools, processes, and strategies that simplify your life and business.
  • Develop systems so you can help more people.
  • Find your “spark” again.

My Spirit 

The goal of this “My Spirit” Module is to get clear about your internal guidance system, what it is and what it isn’t. Understanding those voices in your head is HUGE if you desire breakthrough and transformation. Think about all the stuff you say to yourself throughout the day. Would you ever even consider taking that person, who talks like that, to a party? Would you introduce him or her to your family? Would you invite him or her into your inner circle of friends? Probably not.

By getting clarity around what’s really going on in your head, you will begin upgrading your relationship with your spirit, your internal guidance system. You will learn who is your true friend, and who is not. The reason for upgrading your relationship is so that you can begin tapping into the superpowers you hold within.


What You’ll Learn

  • The scientific reason why you feel the way you do and how to adjust your energy to feel the way you want to feel

  • How to distinguish between the two voices in your head- the loud one that tells you what you should do and the quiet one that tells you what is truly best for you

  • A practical tool to solve complex problems in business and life



The goal of this “Me” Module is to get clear on the roles and responsibilities in your current situation.

Thinking about yourself is not selfish. It’s smart. How often do you think about yourself? Probably not much. If you’re not in-tuned to what’s happening in your inner world, how can you be sure you’re operating at your highest capacity for others?

What You’ll Learn

  • Why thinking about yourself is not selfish
  • How to get clear on your roles and responsibilities 
  • What you can keep and what you can let go of so you can operate at your best and take care of yourself

My Team

The goal of the “My Team” Module is to get clear on your dream team, who they are, and what you want and/or need.

You’ll learn a streamlined way to clearly see all the people in your organization and identify their needs and priorities and how they fit so that you can maximize your potential.

What You’ll Learn

  • How to get clear on your "Dream Team" even if you're currently a team of one

  • See who's currently in your organization, how they fit, and who you need to add (or eliminate) to get to the next level

  • Identify the needs and priorities of each person so you can maximize their potential


My Social Mission

The goal of the “Social Mission” module is to get clear on who you serve, why you serve them, and what outcomes you want them to experience

You’ll learn a streamlined way to begin identifying the way in which you make a positive difference in the lives of your beneficiaries.

What You’ll Learn

  • How to get clear on who you serve and why you serve them
  • Identify the outcomes you want them to experience
  • What basic questions to answer to start (or refresh) your marketing plan

Business Enterprise

The goal of the “Business Enterprise” Module is to get clear on all the stakeholders in your business, who matters, what they want, do you care, and what are you doing about it.

You’ll learn to develop a business plan on a page. In doing so, you’ll learn how to define the core values of the business, readily identify all the stakeholders, align the business activities, and avoid pitfalls. You'll create a model of doing and being in business that you love and you feel a positive sense of pride in.

Know your customers love you because of your mission. Know your customers buy from you because you provide exceptional quality...and are not just a charity case.

What You’ll Learn

  • How to develop a 1-page business plan to align your business activities and avoid pitfalls common to social enterprise
  • To keep going where Lean business planning stops~ include responses unique to social enterprise
  • Define who your stakeholders are, determine what they want, decide how you can deliver, and ask yourself the all-important question ~ "Does this person really matter?"
Plus, sign up today and get all these extras!
Pursuing the Prosperity Spirit

So you and those you care for can break the bonds of “never enough”

Value: $200 USD

1 30-minute 1:1 Session with me

So you can talk it out and have a safe space to share things.

Valued at $100

LinkedIn Networking Strategies for Success

So you can create a happy place to connect, grow, and encourage each other to change the world

Value: $500 USD

5-Day Prompted Journal

So you can quiet the chatter in your mind and get the clarity you’re craving…now!

Value: $100 USD


March 28th at 11 PM GMT +00









  • Avant-garde Entrepreneur Foundations (Valued at $500)
  • Avant-garde Entrepreneur Academy (Valued at $1000
  • 30-minute 1:1 Session with me (Valued at $100)
  • Purpose Statement Formula (Valued at $300)
  • Pursuing the Prosperity Spirit (Valued at $200) 
  • LinkedIn Networking Strategies for Success (Valued at $500)
  • 5-Day Prompted Journal (Valued at $100)
  • Monthly Tribe Meetings! New resources created to support your growth path! (Priceless)
  • 24/7 Avant-garde Family Private Community (Priceless)
  • Lifetime Access to Keep You Growing (Priceless)
  • Ongoing Support & Mentoring (Priceless)
  • Specially curated playlists & private guest interviews (Priceless)
  • Discounts on the AGE Academy & Future Courses 
  • Risk-Free Guarantee


$50 down +$25/mo





March 28th at 11 PM GMT +00









Avant-garde Entrepreneur Academy is right for you if...
You're a social entrepreneur & changemaker who's: 
  • Loaded with responsibility and lacking personal time because it's spread out between juggling family, friends, school, work, and beneficiaries
  • An independent thinker who is accustomed to figuring it all out yourself, DIY-ing just to save money, having it all fall on you, and wanting extra support
  • Serving people in up-and-coming communities who are often desperate and seem to be drowning in need
  • Questioning (and doubting) possibly everything you read, each decision you make, and are convinced there is a better way if only you search hard and long enough.
"I felt a huge relief, I felt like I'm not alone"

~ Douglas Smith, Founder of Sportrise & Co-founder of  Peleyta Health

"The process of running a business is more clear in my head and I no longer doubt myself"

~ Bee, Founder of beekindcolours.com

Go from contemplation to clarity in just 6 weeks!
Just Imagine
  • Finding the answers within instead of fruitlessly searching outward
  • Quieting the chatter in your head so you can hear your Spirit’s best for you
  • Having clearly identified priorities and feeling confident in your path
  • Recognizing the gaps to fill and what you get to stop doing
  • Letting go of guilt, performance orientation, and “never enough”
  • Feeling confident about counterbalancing, knowing you’re not going to lose it
  • Cutting through the useless stuff to the few things that work. Every. Time.


"I want to put all I've learnt into practice and bring change to my community"

~ Aisha Bello, Founder of Voice of the Girl Child & Vulnerable People Foundation

"Felt like miracles happened along this journey"

~ Stephen Ben, Founder of Wonder Liberia

Feel refreshed in your mind, certain of your mission, and inspired in your business.
"The kind of energy gain from the whole group was so relevant and fruitful"

~ Bipana Dhakal, Founder of The Learning Fortress

"This program helped me observe my business better"

~ Hillary Adongo, Rural & Community Development Expert


March 28th at 11 PM GMT +00









  • Avant-garde Entrepreneur Foundations (Valued at $500)
  • Avant-garde Entrepreneur Academy (Valued at $1000
  • 30-minute 1:1 Session with me (Valued at $100)
  • Purpose Statement Formula (Valued at $300)
  • Pursuing the Prosperity Spirit (Valued at $200) 
  • LinkedIn Networking Strategies for Success (Valued at $500)
  • 5-Day Prompted Journal (Valued at $100)
  • Monthly Tribe Meetings! New resources created to support your growth path! (Priceless)
  • 24/7 Avant-garde Family Private Community (Priceless)
  • Lifetime Access to Keep You Growing (Priceless)
  • Ongoing Support & Mentoring (Priceless)
  • Specially curated playlists & private guest interviews (Priceless)
  • Discounts on the AGE Academy & Future Courses 
  • Risk-Free Guarantee


$50 down +$25/mo




Try Avant-garde Entrepreneur Risk Free for 6 months.

“Your Sustainable Solution” 6-month Guarantee

I know that investing in Avant-garde Entrepreneur Academy is a big decision. I'm also fully confident that the value this program brings to your social enterprise far outweighs the investment you will make today. 

Enter “Your Sustainable Solution” 6-month Guarantee.

Because I want to make sure you feel as confident with your decision as I do, I'm offering you a risk-free guarantee. If you go through Avant-garde Entrepreneur Academy in its entirety, apply and take action on all of the teachings, and don't make your investment back in 6 months, I will give the amount you paid back. 

That's right, I'll give you your money back if this program doesn't work for you. All you have to do is show me that you completed all the lessons, implemented the action steps, and attended the coaching calls (or watched the replay), and I'll immediately refund you, no questions asked.

Well, hello there! I'm Trisha!

I'm here to help you build the social enterprise of your dreams with excellence, practical tools, and ease —no perfection, business degree, or grind (except coffee or tea) required.

As a mission-minded serial entrepreneur and traveler, I help global changemakers build sustainable social enterprises to impact 1000s, be profitable, and have something left of themselves at the end of the day.

My favorite leaders to help are those who use job training and fair employment to help others lift themselves to a better way of life ~ especially in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East.

Simply put, I help you build the social enterprise of your dreams- one that's impactful for them and sustainable for you- without stuckness, frustration, or overwhelm.

Grab your tea or coffee, and let's get started!